Commercial Photographer London

Here’s another image from earlier last year which I’d forgotton all about.

This was from the 2010 JDM Allstars semi-final race held in Wembley London.

It went from scorching hot and clear blue skys to a torrential downpour within 30 minutes … and then the sun came back out again…. weird 😕

Click on the image to see a slideshow of the images from 2010.

JDM Allstars Wembley

I was browsing through some pictures from last year and I forgot all about a set I did in the cold winter of Jan 2010.

Imagine -10C and my numb fingers trying to fiddle around with my cold metal car rig meanwhile trying keep the batteries alive in the camera at the same time. The soundtrack to my chattering teeth was the deep rumble of a 360bhp turbonutter car echoing through a still and deserted underground carpark.

Happy days 🙂

Callum Winton Subaru Impreza Spec-C Type20

Media Colourchart

Should we allow images used in media to be extensively edited?
From my perspective, absolutely.

Creating a perfect image is a key element to making a product or service desirable.

Can it cause problems in society where being constantly subject to seeing these images can affect our perceptions?
In the same way that a percentage of the population are more susceptible to hypnotism or subliminal messaging, we will all be influenced at some level by what we see every day.

Should we put disclaimers on images that are edited in magazines, billboards etc….?
Yes, I believe that we should have a something on the images so we know they’ve been retouched.

Media Colourchart

How can we find a middle ground that doesn’t have ugly distracting banners taking a percentage of the image in the same way cigarette packets have the warning labels on them …. which don’t work. I know friends that bought skull&crossbone cigarettes because they were perceived to be more dangerous (go figure)

I thought of a possible solution:
Rather than obscuring a part of the image with a white warning box, why not put small colour (or greyscale) circles/squares subtly in the corner of the image or page which relates to the editing work that was carried out.

It could be ISO standardised so that it’s the same for everyone to use, or alternatively each magazine could have their own key chart shown in the bottom of the MastHead.

For example:
Blue: Colour change (e.g. eyes, clothes, skin)
Red: Blemish Removal
Green: Texture alterations
Yellow: Shape changing (Liquefy/Stretch/Shrink, bigger eyelashes, narrower thighs etc..)
Grey: Added extra elements (CGI, blending other images)

Here’s a rough example of how it could look.

Everyone should be happy 🙂
Advertisers keep their perfect images and consumers subconsciously know it’s been enhanced away from reality.

So, what’s your opinion on how images should be shown in the media? Edited or warts ‘n all? 🙂

English Pointer

I was contacted by one of my favourite clients a month or so ago and asked if I would take some pet pictures of their stunning Pointer breed dogs, mother and daughter Imola and Monza. It’s a bit of a change to the product and car photography I show, but they are great people so I said "sure" 🙂

We discussed the details on what the images were for (a large high-key print/canvas) and I suggested we also did some shots of them just being dogs and playing in the local park as a nice contrast to the posed shots. Everything was set and so we watched the weather and a couple of weeks later the conditions turned to our favour.

I rolled up outside the house with Prabha (girlfriend and pooch fanatic) as my assistant and a 1/2 sized studio setup in the boot. For the ‘studio’ style shots there was just enough room to set up a small backlit background and train, a front light plus a little ‘CallumW special‘ to crisp them up a little 😉

The stage was set.

There’s an old saying never to work with kids or animals, but I have to say that both pooches were extremely well behaved. They were easily transfixed with the promise of biscuits and "coochycoos" from both their owner and Prabha.
Both of them were so well behaved and so adorable, I think Prabha was eyeing one of my bags to see if she could smuggle one of them home (just kidding :))

After the formal setup we headed to the park to let them loose.

A short while back I blogged about the JDM Drift cars that I photographed sliding past at speed, but seriously, they have nothing on these guys. Man these dogs are faaaast.

‘meep! meep!’ … blink …. you’ve missed them.
Needless to say there were a few shots where they were flying out of frame before I could track them. So quick … and unpredictable. At least cars follow the track (usually) and are consistent in speed.
These guys … forget it 😀

After a short time (but not before they both went for a swim in the lake) the light began dropping which meant I was struggling to keep the shutter speed up high enough, so we got them to pose for us in a few remaining pools of light to add some variety in style.

We headed back and I packed up my mini studio and we said our farewells.
Both pooches were wiped out from all the running, but you could see they had a great day.

If that’s a dog’s life then where do I sign 🙂

A few semi-edited shots below so you can see how adorable they are 🙂

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